It’s the beginning of a new year and new decade. As your coach and/or friend I invite you to use this time to consider what you would like this beautiful new canvas called 2020 to look like. So join me as we create a vision that will usher in a most beautiful year for you.
Select a ‘canvas’ of your choice. That may include plain unlined, lined or fancy printed paper in any size of your liking. You can employ a simple pen or pencil, or coloured pencils or markers. The choices are plentiful.
I recently spoke with one of my clients and he said ‘it’s going to be a great business year’. I reminded him that business is only one aspect of life. All aspects are important. Let’s look at each:
- Health
- Career
- Family
- Contribution
- Social
- Physical
- Intellectual
- Financial
- Growth
If looking at all of these energizes you, keep going! If it feels daunting, choose just one and allow yourself to create a picture for yourself that makes that area ‘better’.
Honour where ever you are and make this a pleasurable activity, not a stressful one!
As you write, use these questions to guide you:
- If you woke up tomorrow and your life was exactly as you wanted it to be, what would be different?
- What values and passions are expressed in your vision, work and life?
- What gets you totally jazzed?
- What impact are you having on yourself, your work, your family, your co-workers, and the world?
- What activities are you focusing your time on? Are these the activities you want to be focusing your time on? Is there an imbalance between what you are you currently doing and what you would like to be doing?
- Do you feel a full sense of contribution?
- How will life be different when you are living this vision?
- How do you feel when you are living this vision?
Here are a few other really great goal setting activities…. Choose one or do them all. Just have fun with it and allow the answers to unfold.
1. Write a list of 100 things you would like to do before you die. Describe things that you would like to do in your lifetime. Eliminate all barriers and think of things you would like to do. Don’t let money, time, ability, experience or location be a barrier. Obviously there are some barriers that must be considered. An example of this would be if you wanted to be a famous rock star, but had the type of voice that makes even animals run and hide, you may want to consider being the drummer not the vocalist. Be realistic about any barriers that you think of. In most cases there is a way around it.
Anthony Robbins describes writing a list of what he wanted to accomplish in life, when he barely had a dime in his pocket. The items on his list seemed unrealistic, but now has come to be reality. Your list of things that you would like to do may include personal and professional achievements. You may include things such as: places you would like to travel, type of work you would like to do, position you aspire to, family structure you strive for, volunteer goals, physical goals, spiritual goals and financial goals.
What types of activities would make you feel good, fulfilled, fill a need you have? Take the time you need to complete this. You may, and probably will find that your mind will need more that one pass at this. How many times have you given your mind this freedom to create your future? I suggest that if you reach a dry point, come back to it later and add on to it as your mind creates more goals for you.
2. List things you are afraid to attempt. What have you always wanted to do but have been afraid to do? Interestingly the fear may be a fear of failing, trying something new, or even a fear of succeeding. What would happen if you were to succeed?
3. Describe a perfect day, 1 year from now. Consider your career, family life, home location, volunteer work, health, friends, social activities and education.
3. If you had 6 months to live, which of your top 100 would you choose to do?
4. If you were the $1 million winner what would you do with your money? How exciting to think about the possibilities. I’ve known 2 different big lottery winners. Each handled it differently. What would you do with a big win?
What you listed in question one, about your top 100 goals reflects your aspirations, goals and drive. How did you feel writing this list? Did you smile? Did you hesitate on any of them, questioning whether you could do it or not? Be confident. Know who you are. This list opens a window to your future. Don’t allow the window to close.
In the second question, things that you are afraid to attempt are based on self-limiting beliefs. That is to say that you have imposed on yourself beliefs about what you can and cannot do. These may be obstacles that you have created to stop yourself from achieving your goals. Are these truly prohibiting you from achieving your dreams? If so, how can you overcome them?
In the third question, listing what you would do in your last 6 months to live refers back to your basic values. Are you doing those things now? How do you know when you are living your last six months. Make it count now!
The lottery winner question reflects values. Money can sometimes limit what we choose to do. By eliminating this potential obstacle you can attempt whatever you choose. If you set goals and work toward them you can make your dreams come true.
You have just created a good start to your goals. These reflect your ultimate potential. If you set your goals, plan well and identify any obstacles you can make anything become reality. Now look at your answers to each of these questions and find the commonalities. As you re-read your answers, which items get you fired up and excited? Those are your goals.
Once you have your goals clearly written, break them down into manageable chunks, by month or even by week to see incremental progress throughout the year. Get an accountability partner to keep you on track, which can be a good friend who is also future focused or a coach who can guide you to stay on track and manage any obstacles you can, and will encounter.
Keep moving in the direction of the future you have dreamed of. You can do this. I believe in you and your ability to make 2020 an amazing year!
With love and blessings,
Anne Rose, Certified Leadership Coach and Speaker, can be reached at 416-557-1177 or email at: You can also visit her website,
Over the past 25 years Anne has worked with over 3700 leaders in corporations across North America and internationally, through one on one coaching and in class sessions. 95% of Anne’s coaching clients report the start of achieving their objectives within 3 months! She is the author of ‘Ignite! Your Purpose, Passion, Vision and Strengths’ and has a second book to be released in 2018.